Every employee can play a role in shaping company policies and practices to protect voting rights.

Take our pledge and ask your employer to stand up for American voters today.

Take the pledge & then use the sample language below to get started!

Copy and paste this sample letter to ask your employer to show their commitment to protecting voting rights!


I am writing to ask you, on behalf of the employees of our company, to take a stand against the nearly 400 anti-voter bills that have been considered by lawmakers across 39 states for the 2022 legislative session. These bills most often introduce policies that restrict early voting and vote by mail, and infuse partisanship into the typically nonpartisan process of counting votes and certifying elections. If passed, these bills will disproportionately impact people of color and people with disabilities. These bills are bad for voters, bad for our employees, and bad for business.

A poll conducted by Morning Consult found that 73% of adults agree that the government should ensure voters have equitable access to polling locations, hours, and drop-boxes. The poll also found that the majority of Democrats and plurality of Republicans both agree that companies should support legislation which focuses on increasing access to voting and should not support officials who favor limiting voting rights.

Many other companies have already taken a stand, and we should too. There are multiple nonpartisan actions our company can take today to show our support for American voters:

  1. Provide paid time off to vote for all employees and for all elections.

  2. Sign on in support of Vote.org’s Business Statement on Anti-Voting Legislation.

  3. Take Vote.org's pledge to forgo all corporate contributions to the campaigns of any state or federal lawmakers who vote to restrict voting access.

I look forward to hearing from you about which actions our company will take to protect voting rights this year, and going forward.
